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Our Officers

Puja Tripuraneni: Co-President

12th Grade

Connie Huang: Co-President

12th Grade

Puja Tripuraneni is a senior at Northview High School and serves as co-President alongside Connie Huang. She joined HOSA her freshman year when the club was just being formed. Over the past three years she has grown to love and become more involved with HOSA. She believes HOSA will help her discover new interests and passions within the healthcare field, but also help her develop leadership skills to expose healthcare professions to more people.

Kenny Zhou: President-Elect

11th Grade

Sanika Rane: Secretary

11th Grade

Kenny Zhou is currently a junior at Northview High School.  He plays soccer as a competitive sport and enjoys playing soccer with his friends as well. He is deeply involved in HOSA and FBLA. They are both Career and Technical Student Organizations. HOSA trains future healthcare professionals and FBLA trains future business leaders. He plans to attend medical school, all while pursuing his goal of fixing this country's healthcare through healthcare administration.

Yahia Ali: Vice President

12th Grade

Ankita Das: Historian

11th Grade

Mahima Pirani: Board Member

11th Grade

Jennifer Zou: Board Member

11th Grade

Jennifer is interested in pursuing a career that combines her passion in music with helping others in the healthcare field. She enjoys participating in orchestra, Beta Club, Science Olympiad, and other school activities. She hopes to expand her knowledge of medicine through Northview HOSA.

Ankita is the historian at Northview HOSA. She joined HOSA because she wants to follow a healthcare profession and is hoping that her experiences in HOSA will help her decide which specific career she wants to pursue. She participated in orchestra along with many other clubs. She  loves to read books, dance, and write stories. She is planning to stay with HOSA through HOSA to prepare for the future.

Sumit Sohani: Board Member

12th Grade

Vidushi Gupta: Treasurer

11th Grade

Yahia Ali is a senior and is entering into his third year as a part of Northview HOSA. For the past two years, he has competed in HOSA Bowl at SLC, and, this summer, he also competed at the NLC in Orlando, Florida. His other interests include soccer, video production, and playing the saxophone.

Vidushi is the treasurer of HOSA. Although she just joined HOSA last year, it has become an important part of her life. She believes that HOSA will guide her path in the right direction for her future as a neurologist or a vascular surgeon. Apart from HOSA, Vidushi participates in Beta, FBLA, Medical Society, and Student Leadership Johns Creek; she also is passionate about singing, dancing, and volunteering at hospitals and clinics.

Connie Huang is currently a Senior. She is serving her second year as President of Northview HOSA. She would love to personally make all members of HOSA feel welcome in the club. So don't hesitate to approach her! She is interested in healthcare administration and technology. 

Sumit is a senior who has been involved in HOSA since his sophomore year, competing in Medical Math. Though his event may be rendered obsolete by calculators, Sumit is grateful to have walked through the many real-world doors that HOSA opens for its members. In his free time, he enjoys playing chess, learning a new magic trick, or catching a movie.

Sanika is the secretary of Northview HOSA - she began her HOSA journey just last year. She had a blast at Nationals in Disney World and hopes to make more amazing memories with HOSA. Besides HOSA, she stays busy with debate, dance, volunteering at hospitals, and the sciences. She has an odd affinity to calculus and loves the brain. She hopes to be a neurosurgeon someday! She knows the exposure and opportunities HOSA provides her will help her reach her goal.

Mahima spends her time all over the school, from marching band to policy debate and, of course, HOSA! She enjoys volunteering at animal shelters, writing, and dancing. She hopes her love of cat videos will one day translate into a career as a veterinarian; if not, she would also love to work as a physical therapist!

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